Tuesday 28 August 2007


Just so that folk know we're still alive... We're in Lviv. Unfortunately in an internet cafe that we can't plug camera / memory stick into, so no photos, so will wait to do other posts when we can. Because we know it's all about the photos with you people. We may even try to upload a video next, although it may be a bit big.

So the short story to keep you going until we give you the long story: Bucharest is a capitalist paradise, with advertising everywhere, ignoring the poor folk living in slums next to it. There were some fancy castles and nice mountains further up. We avoided any vampires despite going right through Transylvania. We really like Ukraine except for dodgy police officers. Our guide book says Bucharest is the hidden gem of eastern Europe, but we think it's Lviv.

Off to Slovakia tomorrow for more camping. Hopefully away from any cities but right next to a very good internet cafe ;).

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