Starting of at the Archeological museum, it's easy to get way laid. There is so much information and history to take on board. One particular item and story caught our eye though; the twins of Argos. They helped their mum out by carrying her in her cart to a temple because the mule had gone AWOL. So impressed was she with their love and dedication she prayed for them to get what was best for a man ... they went to sleep and never woke up again. They may be remembered years later as heroes but what a rubbish way to go. Here they are (Ben wasn't allowed to pose with them, but he'll make up for it later):

On from there is the actual site of the temple (dedicated to Apollo) where the Oracle doled out her prophesies (appropriately interpreted by some priests).

Around the temple complex sprung up all the appropriate amenities, like an amphitheatre:

And treasuries, for all the big cities to put their gifts in (this one is Athenian):

And indeed other temples, this one the biggest, to the Goddess Athena:

Delphi is a bit of a one stop tourist shop, but what a shop...
Anyway, from there we went to Athens, but that's a big ol' post and it's late, so you're getting that next time. We're in Thessaloniki at the mo' by the way. Not many tourists, but a great place with lots of bars & restaurants and shopping - even Joanna bought some new shoes... well sandals...
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