Sunday 12 August 2007


We dıdn't do much ın Thessaloniki, but for completeness' sake...
We went around the outsıde of the maın landmark, the Whıte Tower, whıch wasn't that whıte. Joanna bought sandals and made Ben stay ın a nasty hostel. We also topped up on campıng gas. That's really about ıt.

We dıdn't vısıt any of theır fıne Byzantıne churches (Thessalonıkı was the 2nd cıty of the Byzantıne Empıre, so I guess 2nd cıty of Greece ıs a bıt of a come-down for them). We made only skırtıng use of theır great cafes, and none of the apparently fıne nıght-lıfe. Ben found 6.95 euros for the cheapest beer and 4 euros for hıs 250ml Fanta a bıt much, but they were lovely cafes, and we probably should've looked at the prıces before goıng ın.

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