But Sevilla. We drove into town and parked in a spot near where we´d parked the previous day. But possibly not so much pedestrian traffic. Which we now know is important. We set off to the Cathedral. Amazing. Still has some of the original mosque (as this was all Moorish country, so when re-conquered they converted the Mezquitas to Cathedrales), including the big tower for calls to prayer, which is now part of the bell tower. Everything had to be bigger and more impressive of course... But the cathedral is seriously amazing. Massive, with tons of chapels all around the side.

So afer a nice ol´ time there we headed back to the car to drive it near the pension before heading out for some grub. And that´s when we found the window smashed, and the laptop missing from its hiding place (and indeed those things hiding it moved elsewhere). Nothing else taken, except for useful wires in laptop bag. So headed to police station. First (very big) station told us to go to another one, and on our way out of there a man on a moped offered to get us our laptop back. Tres dodgy. Kept him talking and once he discovered we weren´t "helped" to park by anyone he wasn´t interested. There was a parking "helper" (beggars who generally point out parking spaces) not a million miles from where we parked though...
Anyway had a bit of a wait at the police station, but eventually got our report in. Nice policemen once again. Made a cardboard window and parked in the a nice secure parking place near our pension. Dinner expensive again. Sevilla may be very pretty, but it doesn´t half cost...
Sounds like you guys are going to have a fab time over the next few days in Valencia, especially after yet another great Team NZ win today! Enjoy the racing...
Love the mix up with the Juice/Sangria by the way!
Ah yes, and the old Policia Local and Policia National mix up!
We also had an issue in Valencia. Keep your hands in your pockets.
Looks like Americas Cup race 5 was another 'dramatic' one. http://www.emiratesteamnz.com/news/070630_01.aspx
With fabulous weather and so many kiwis over there, it must feel like you're home already ;-)
Big Brother
Hi there you two, really enjoying the news of your adventures and seriously envious of the sunshine, as we freeze under snow in the South Island. Cheers, Ann & Bruce
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