The rain seems to have been following us around lately, which is very disappointing. There was a torrential downpour when we arrived but it hasn't coloured our judgement of Tallinn's Old Town. It's absolutely gorgeous and the sun even came out for a few hours on the second day so we could take pictures of it in all its glory.
The Öld Town didn't suffer too badly in WWII although large sections of the outskirts were destroyed in one night of Soviet bombing in 1944.
We'll let the pictures do (most) of the talking about the Old Town's beauty:
Town Hall:


Russian Orthodox Church:



Tall Herman:

Lutheran Church:

The main thing was just to wander around the Old Town, but we popped into the City Museum and the Museum of Occupation for a good dose of history too. Fascinating seeing different country's views on the past... At the City Museum there was a very cool exhibition of clothes made by Estonian women during the Soviet era showing how they managed to keep up with western fashions with recycled material and a few buttons! The 80s gear was especially impressive - Dynasty eat your heart out!
Finally Ben also met his drinking challenge, Vana Tallinn:

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