Hrad means castle by the way. Here's a view down from an upper window:

We've a few more shots too, but not to bore you, it's a 12th century castle that each century they modernised a bit and added and extra layer. Until the 17th/18th century when it got all a bit much to upkeep. It saw off the Tartars and the Mongols. Not bad.
Their knights must've been a bit better than this fella though:

It was brilliant, and we saw gophers too, thus proving they're not a made up animal. They're quite small so the pictures don't look so great though.
Then we went on to Levoca, where we based ourselves for 3 days camping. Well in a very small wooden hut, as the guy gave it to us for the same price as a tent.
Ben completed the drink challenge on the first night there:

This one wins the best glass challenge so far, and it's just lucky Ben likes drinking straight gin.
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