Friday, 25 May 2007

Car's ready

Clio's been serviced, so it's all ready to go, new belts / filters etc etc, even a new radiator, so it won't overheat any more... So we're ready to go.

Also: Last Day at work today (they've been very nice); but have a couple of weeks with Joanna's family & doing a northern farewell tour before heading off.

Friday, 18 May 2007


So after many requests we are setting up a sweepstake for how far the clio gets.
And the prize? 5 chocolate fish. For those without kiwi knowledge please follow the link; there's no actual fish involved - they're scrummy. So the contest goes:
a) which country will the clio make it to?
and as a tie-break:
b) how many kilometres/miles will we have done by then?
Entries below in comments please, only entries posted before the end of June / when the car dies (whichever is earlier) will be considered valid for the chocolate fish (and only from people we know too, sorry strangers).

Some tips: don't choose Morocco, the clio won't be going there, only us. And it's probably only fair to admit that we're not sure the car will make it into China - the permits are looking ridiculously overpriced on current quotes. And the distances between countries in the route I planned out are if we drive direct. We're very unlikely to do that, rather more likely to get distracted and wander off the path.
No laughs for those who choose Dover either - we've heard it before. Car goes in for its big service next week, so it should be in good enough shape to at least get to France...

Go on, click the comments, put your guess in...